Sacral Chakra: Joyful Creation
What are the Chakras?
The Sanskrit word chakra translates to a “wheel” or “disk.”
In yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda, this term refers to wheels of energy throughout the body. There are seven main chakras that align along the spine, starting from the base of the spine to the crown of the head.1
Chakras store the energy of thoughts, feelings, memories, experiences, and actions. Chakra healing refers to the idea that when all of our chakras are open, energy can run through them freely, and harmony exists between the body, mind, and spirit, creating a sense of overall well-being.
Don’t worry if this sounds “woo-woo” to you at first. Honestly, it did to me, too. Now that I’ve done more research, though, I understand that this is all about holistic connection.
Let’s dig in.
The Sanskrit word for Sacral Chakra is “Svadhisthana.” “Swa” means “self” and “Adhishthana” means “established.”
The Sacral Chakra is the center of creativity, feeling, emotion, pleasure, intimacy, and connection.
Universal Color: Orange
Element: Water
Location: Below the navel in the center of your lower belly
Balanced Chakra: You enjoy pleasure in many different ways in life. You create healthy sexual experiences that honor you. You have a powerful creative energy that is fed by your passion to make a difference in the world. 2
You feel:
- Energetic and joyful
- Compassionate
- Creative
- Forgiving
- Gentle
- Sensual
- Open and honest
Blocked Chakra: Sexual intimacy stirs up shame for you. You feel taken advantage of and unsupported by others. You put off creative endeavors and feel guilty if you have too much pleasure. 2
You feel:
- Emotionally unstable
- Withdrawn
- Tense
- Fearful, judgmental
- Unforgiving, controlling
- Resentful, guilty
- Depressed, insecure
- Hormonally imbalanced
- Lack of passion, low libido
Following are MANTRAS that help open and balance the Sacral Chakra:
- I am alive, connected, and aware.
- I am creative, passionate, and inspired.
- I let my inner child play.
- I am open to new experiences.
- I value and respect my body.
- I feel good in my body.
- My body is a masterpiece.
- I give myself permission to enjoy my sexuality fully.
- I allow myself to experience pleasure.
- I am at peace.
Following are ACTIVITIES that help open and balance the SACRAL Chakra:
- Spend time in or around water
- Go wading or swimming
- Take a bath
- Find healthy pleasures
- Give love to your inner child
- Dance
- Do something spontaneous
- Tend to self-care
- Journal
- Practice Yoga, especially these poses: Goddess Pose, Camel Pose, Hero Pose, Hip Circles, Warrior II, Reverse Warrior, Frog Pose, Low Lounge, Yogi Squat, Prasarita
- Listening to Music that corresponds to the Sacral Chakra (288 Hz)
Following are HEALING FOODS that help open and balance the Sacral Chakra:
- Sweet fruits like mango, melon, passion fruit, oranges, tangerines, apricots, and peaches
- Pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes, and orange peppers
- Honey, nuts, and seeds
- Cinnamon, carob, coconut, and vanilla
Coriander Seed, Geranium, Sweet Orange, Jasmine, Tangerine, Neroli, Melissa, Rose, Ylang Ylang, Patchouli, Lemongrass, and Clary Sage
Following are CRYSTALS that help open and balance the Sacral Chakra:
Carnelian, Citrine, Orange Calcite, Peach Moonstone, Tiger’s Eye, Sunstone, Tangerine Quartz, Orange Jasper, Goldstone, Amber, Orange Tourmaline, Fire Opal