Nourish Together - Weekly Newsletter - 6/15/23

Recipe of the Week

Roasted brussel sprouts

We received Brussels Sprouts in our weekly subscription box, so I tried this House Favorite Brussels Sprouts recipe last night, and oh, my goodness, the flavor is incredible!

Emma and I loved them so much that we're making them again tonight.


Recipe Here


Inspirational Quote "You did enough today. Rest."

Recharge Your Battery

Book, notebook, and coffee mug on white bedspread

Rest when you’re tired. Take a break when life stales. Take time to recharge your battery.

Energy isn’t something you have–it’s something you are. To give and give and give, to put out without taking in, depletes your battery. It drains you, runs you down. Running on a low battery is no longer necessary, because now we know how to live differently.

Taking time to rest, renew, and refresh yourself isn’t wasted time. Recharge. Choose what energizes you. Nature. A song. The voice of a friend. A nap. A hot bath. A cup of tea. A favorite program. A movie that makes you laugh or cry. A walk. A run. A prayer. A poem. A book that speaks to your soul.

Actions that emerge from an energized source are easier, go further, accomplish more. Let your work and love come from a vital spirit.

Excerpt from Journey to the Heart by Melody Beattie.

Live well. Be kind.


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