Sweet Dreams Calming Sleep Spray

Like a speed pass to The Land of Nod.
Sound sleep is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. But some of us need a little help to unwind and catch the sleep train. Try our calming Sweet Dreams Spray for an assist at bedtime. The peaceful ritual of spritzing pillowcase, sheets, PJs, and bedroom air with this lavender-infused spray signals your mind that it's time to settle in for the night.
Like all room sprays, only all-natural botanicals will do. A trinity of select essentials oils mingles to help promote restful sleep: lavender for relaxation, cedarwood to soothe, and bergamot to calm.
Size: 4 oz. Glass Bottle with Atomizer
In Stock: Ships Same Day or Next
Pure Witch Hazel, Distilled Water, Organic Essential Oils: Lavender, Cedarwood, Bergamot
Gently shake before each use. Spritz bedroom, linens, pillows, and pajamas to promote relaxation prior to sleep. Breathe in deeply for best results.