Note from Jamie

I like to share things that light me up, fill me with joy, and make my life easier. Nothing is sponsored. These are just things that are helping me along my journey.
Earlier this week, I had coffee with a friend. We had worked together years ago, and I lamented that I wished I had loosened up and had more fun during that time of my life. My friend replied, "I think you're being hard on yourself. We had a lot of fun."
It got me thinking about how we have the ability to rewrite our memories with the stories we tell ourselves.
I'm curious if I've rewritten memories with my negativity bias (something that all humans have). Were situations actually more enjoyable than I remember? And, if so, why the heck did I rewrite the memories with overtones of sadness?
Last week, I shared that when I first learned about the mindfulness practice of equanimity, I thought the concept sounded kind of boring. Why would you want balanced reactions to the highs and lows of life? Why wouldn't you just seek the highs?
In journaling this morning, I had an "aha" moment. What if in my relentless pursuit of the great, I erased the good?
Maybe I put too much pressure on myself to have overly awesome experiences that I overlooked the magic of the middle, the everyday joys.
I think that's why a daily gratitude practice is so important. It grounds us in the good things that happen everyday.
We find what we're looking for. Note to self: Look for the good.
Earlier this week, I had coffee with a friend. We had worked together years ago, and I lamented that I wished I had loosened up and had more fun during that time of my life. My friend replied, "I think you're being hard on yourself. We had a lot of fun."
It got me thinking about how we have the ability to rewrite our memories with the stories we tell ourselves.
I'm curious if I've rewritten memories with my negativity bias (something that all humans have). Were situations actually more enjoyable than I remember? And, if so, why the heck did I rewrite the memories with overtones of sadness?
Last week, I shared that when I first learned about the mindfulness practice of equanimity, I thought the concept sounded kind of boring. Why would you want balanced reactions to the highs and lows of life? Why wouldn't you just seek the highs?
In journaling this morning, I had an "aha" moment. What if in my relentless pursuit of the great, I erased the good?
Maybe I put too much pressure on myself to have overly awesome experiences that I overlooked the magic of the middle, the everyday joys.
I think that's why a daily gratitude practice is so important. It grounds us in the good things that happen everyday.
We find what we're looking for. Note to self: Look for the good.

Nourish Pick of the Week
It's a great time to add Pinch Me Therapy Dough to your wellness toolkit.
Our emotions can manifest physically, so a helpful way to reduce stress, anxiety, and worry is to physically work it out of our bodies.
By kneading, squeezing, and pinching the dough, you help your body dispel the stress.
Plus, it's a great tool to help you focus. Take it to work and send it with your kiddos to school.
Recipe of the Week
Scott has a mushroom allergy, so whenever he's out for the evening, Emma and I feast on mushrooms.
Earlier this week, we made this Parmesan Spinach Mushroom Pasta and it was absolutely delicious.
It was easily customizable to our dietary needs. I highly recommend it.
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Earlier this week, we made this Parmesan Spinach Mushroom Pasta and it was absolutely delicious.
It was easily customizable to our dietary needs. I highly recommend it.
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Live well. Be kind.